Our research group studies magnetic thin films, devices, and self-assembly in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.




Molecular Field Coefficient Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Ferrimagnetism in a Complex Oxide, Miela J. Gross, Tingyu Su, Jackson J. Bauer, Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Applied 12 014060 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.014060

Directed Self-Assembly of Oxide Nanocomposites by Ion-Beam Lithography,  Tingyu Su, Yang Yu, and Caroline A. Ross, Nano Lett. 24(1) 195-201 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03703

Damping and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in thulium iron garnet/bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet bilayers, Takian Fakhrul, Bharat Khurana, Byunghun Lee, Siying Huang, Hans Nembach, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Caroline A. Ross, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (2), 2489-2496 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c14706

Perovskite-derived layered crystal structure in SrCo0.26Fe0.74O3-δ thin films, Eunsoo Cho, Abinash Kumar, Shuai Ning, James M. LeBeau, and Caroline A. Ross Advanced Materials Interfaces 11(7) 2300807 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202300807 [cover art]

High-frequency magnetic response of superparamagnetic composites of spherical Fe and Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Kacper Brzuszek, Caroline A. Ross, Andrzej Janutka, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 599 172070 (2024) p1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.172070

High-frequency magnetic response of crystalline and nanocrystalline antiferromagnetic NiO, Kacper Brzuszek ; Caroline A. Ross ; Andrzej Janutka, AIP Advances 14, 025222 (2024) p1-5  https://doi.org/10.1063/9.0000781

Ionic-Liquid-Gating-Induced Hydrogenation in Epitaxial Strontium Ferrite, Fengbo Yan, Vladislav Korostelev, Eunsoo Cho, Kaichuang Yang, Jingrui Wu, Qiyang Lu, Feng Luo, Caroline A. Ross,* Konstantin Klyukin,* and Shuai Ning, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34(27) 2316608 (2024) p1-8, https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202316608

Temperature Evolution of Magnon Propagation Length in Tm3Fe5O12 Thin Films: Roles of Magnetic Anisotropy and Gilbert Damping, Amit Chanda, Christian Holzmann, Noah Schulz, Aladin Ullrich, Derick DeTellem, Manfred Albrecht, Miela Gross, Caroline A. Ross, Dario A. Arena, Manh-Huong Phan, and Hariharan Srikanth, ACS Nano 18 (9), 7223-7240 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c12495 

Phase Formation and Exchange Bias in LuFeO3−CoxFe3−xO4 Nanocomposite Film,  Eunsoo Cho, Aubrey N. Penn, and Caroline A. Ross,  ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 6, 3638−3646 (2024)  https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.4c00339

Acoustically driven ferromagnetic resonance in YIG thin films, Thomas Wong, Jihun Park, Kensuke Hayashi, Miela J. Gross, Ryan Kim, Xinjun Wang, Samuel E. Lofland, Nathan Orloff,  Daniel B. Gopman, Seunghun Lee, Paul A. Crowell, Caroline A. Ross, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 052402 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0211718

Atomic order of rare earth ions in a complex oxide: a path to magnetotaxial anisotropy, Allison C. Kaczmarek, Ethan R. Rosenberg, Yixuan Song, Kevin Ye, Gavin A. Winter1, Aubrey N. Penn3, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Geoffrey S. D. Beach 1 & Caroline A. Ross, Nature Communications 15 5083 (2024) p1-7 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49398-4


Emergence of layered nanoscale mesh networks through intrinsic molecular confinement self-assembly, Zehao Sun, Runze Liu, Tingyu Su, Hejin Huang, Ken Kawamoto, Ruiqi Liang, Bin Liu, Mingjiang Zhong, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross and Jeremiah A. Johnson, Nature Nanotech. 18 273-280 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-022-01293-z

Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Self-Assembled Morphologies in Diblock Janus Bottlebrush Copolymers, Runze Liu, Zehao Sun, Hejin Huang, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A. Ross, Nano Letters 23 (1), 177-182 (2023) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03927

Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Silicon-Containing Azobenzene Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers, Lin Weng, Mingchao Ma, Chenxiao Yin, Zhi-Xiong Fei, Ke-Ke Yang, Caroline A. Ross, and Ling-Ying Shi, Macromolecules 56 470-479 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.2c02343

First-principles based Monte Carlo modeling of the magnetization of oxygen-deficient Fe-substituted SrTiO, Juan M. Florez, Miguel A. Solis,  Emilio A. Cortes Estay, E. Suarez Morell and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 19214-19229 (2023)  https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cp01078c

Effect of intense x-ray free-electron laser transient gratings on the magnetic domain structure of Tm:YIG, Victor Ukleev, Max Burian, Sebastian Gliga, C. A. F. Vaz, Benedikt Rösner, Danny Fainozzi, Gediminas Seniutinas, Adam Kubec, Roman Mankowsky, Henrik T. Lemke, Ethan R. Rosenberg, Caroline A. Ross, Elisabeth Müller, Christian David, Cristian Svetina, Urs Staub, J. Appl. Phys. 133, 123902 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0119241

Growth of magnetooptical cerium-substituted yttrium iron garnet on yttrium aluminum garnet using ion beam sputtering, Yuki Yoshihara ; Kazushi Ishiyama; Toshiaki Watanabe; Pang Boey Lim ; Mitsuteru Inoue, Caroline A. Ross ; Taichi Goto, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 112404 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0161296

Revealing Site Occupancy in a Complex Oxide: Terbium Iron Garnet, Ethan Rosenberg, Jackson Bauer, Eunsoo Cho, Abinash Kumar, Jonathan Pelliciari, Connor A Occhialini, Shuai Ning, Allison Kaczmarek, Richard Rosenberg, John W. Freeland, Yu-Chia Chen, Jian-Ping Wang, James LeBeau, Riccardo Comin, F. M. F. de Groot, and Caroline A Ross, Small 2300824 (2023), pp1-10 https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202300824

Sputter-Deposited ?-MoO3 Interlayers for van der Waals Epitaxy and Film Transfer, Sangho Han, Sangho Lee, Dohyun Ko, Xinyuan Zhang, Jeehwan Kim, Caroline A. Ross, and Dong Hun Kim, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2306909 (2023) p1-9 https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202306909

Engineering an easy-plane anisotropy in an epitaxial europium iron garnet (110) film, Yixuan Song, Allison C. Kaczmarek, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 084407 (2023) p1-11 http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.084407

Large Anomalous Frequency Shift in Perpendicular Standing Spin Wave Modes in BiYIG Films Induced by Thin Metallic Overlayers, Byung Hun Lee , Takian Fakhrul, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 126703 (2023) p1-6  https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.126703

High-frequency magnetic response of superparamagnetic composites of spherical Fe65Co35 nanoparticles, Kacper Brzuszek, Caroline A. Ross, Andrzej Janutka, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 573 170651 (2023) p1-9  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.170651

High-Frequency Magnetic Response of Arrays of Planar Fe65Co35 Nanodots: Effects of Bias Field and Thermal Fluctuations, Kacper Brzuszek, Caroline A. Ross and Andrzej Janutka, IEEE Trans. Magn., 59 (11) 7100306 (2023), [cover art] http://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2023.3313871

Coherent magnon-induced domain-wall motion in a magnetic insulator channel, Yabin Fan, Miela J. Gross, Takian Fakhrul, Joseph Finley, Justin T. Hou, Steven Ngo, Luqiao Liu, & Caroline A. Ross, Nature Nanotechnol. 18 1000-1004 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01406-2

Composition-Dependent Ferroelectricity of LuFeO3 Orthoferrite Thin Films, Eunsoo Cho, Konstantin Klyukin, Tingyu Su, Allison Kaczmarek, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2300059 (2023) pp1-8. https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202300059

Reversible Morphology Locking via Metal Infiltration in a Block Copolymer, Mingchao Ma, Runze Liu, Tingyu Su, Zehao Sun, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Nano 17, 12225−12233, (2023) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c00723

Substrate-Dependent Anisotropy and Damping in Epitaxial Bismuth Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films, Takian Fakhrul, Bharat Khurana, Hans Toya Nembach, Justin M. Shaw, Yabin Fan, Grant A. Riley, Luqiao Liu, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2300217 (2023) p1-10 http://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202300217

Influence of substrate on interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in epitaxial Tm3Fe5O12 films, Takian Fakhrul, Siying Huang, Yixuan Song, Bharat Khurana, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. B 107, 054421 (2023) p1-8 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.054421


Origins of transverse voltages generated by applied thermal gradients and applied electric fields in ferrimagnetic-insulator/heavy-metal bilayers, Arnab Bose, Rakshit Jain, Jackson J. Bauer, Robert A. Buhrman, Caroline A. Ross, Daniel C. Ralph, Phys. Rev. B 105, L100408 p1-6 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100408

Magnetoelectric Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite of YFeO3 and CoFe2O4, Abinash Kumar, Shuai Ning, Tingyu Su, Eunsoo Cho, James M. LeBeau, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2200036 p1-7 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202200036

Selective sequential infiltration synthesis of ZnO in the liquid crystalline phase of silicon-containing rod-coil block copolymers, Ling-Ying Shi, Ashwanth Subramanian, Lin Weng, Sangho Lee, Kim Kisslinger, Chang-Yong Nam and Caroline A. Ross, Nanoscale, 14, 1807-13 (2022) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2022/nr/d1nr06065a

Self-Assembled Multiphase Nanocomposite SrCo1–xFexO3-δ Thin Films with Voltage-Controlled Magnetism for Spintronic Applications, Eunsoo Cho, Abinash Kumar, Shuai Ning, James M. LeBeau, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5(10), 14646-14653 (2022) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.2c03019

Voltage modulated magnetic anisotropy of rare earth iron garnet thin films on a piezoelectric substrate, Miela J. Gross, Walid A. Misba, Kensuke Hayashi, Jayasimha Atulasimha, and Caroline A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 252401 p1-6 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0128842

Magnetism and microstructure of codeposited yttrium iron garnet-barium titanate films, Tingyu Su and Caroline A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 231604 p1-7 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0128306

Oxygen Deficiency and Migration-Mediated Electric Polarization in Magnetic Fe,Co-Substituted SrTiO3-d, E. A. Cortés Estay, S. P. Ong, C. A. Ross and J. M. Florez, Magnetochemistry 8(11), 144 p1-30 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry8110144

Crystallization and stability of rare earth iron garnet/Pt/gadolinium gallium garnet heterostructures on Si, Miela J. Gross, Jackson J. Bauer, Supriya Ghosh, Subhajit Kundu, Kensuke Hayashi, Ethan R. Rosenberg, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Caroline A. Ross, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 564 170043 p1-8 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.170043

Thickness-dependent magnetooptical properties of ion beam sputtered polycrystalline Ce1Y2Fe5O12 films, Yuki Yoshihara, Tomoya Sugita, Pang Boey Lim, Yasuyuki Tamba, Hiroaki Inoue, Kazushi Ishiyama, Mitsuteru Inoue, Caroline A. Ross, Taichi Goto, Optical Materials 133 112967 p1-8 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2022.112967


Platinum Infiltration of a Block Copolymer for Interconnected Three-Dimensional Metal Nanostructures, Wonmoo Lee, Sangho Lee, Astera S. Tang, Chansol Kim, Runze Liu, Kiseop Im, Hee-Tae Jung, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4(1) 793-801 (2021), https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.0c03115

An antisite defect mechanism for room temperature ferroelectricity in orthoferrites, Shuai Ning, Abinash Kumar, Konstantin Klyukin, Eunsoo Cho, Jong Heon Kim, Tingyu Su, Hyun-Suk Kim, James M. LeBeau, Bilge Yildiz and Caroline A. Ross, Nat. Commun. 12 4298 p1-7 (2021) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24592-w

Magnetism and site occupancy in epitaxial Y-rich yttrium iron garnet films, Tingyu Su, Shuai Ning, Eunsoo Cho, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 094403 p1-9 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.094403

First-principles calculation of oxygen vacancy effects on the magnetic properties of the perovskite SrNiO3, Eunsoo Cho, Konstantin Klyukin, Shuai Ning, Jiarui Li, Riccardo Comin, Robert J. Green, Bilge Yildiz and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 094413 p1-9 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.094413

Antisite Defects Stabilized by Antiphase Boundaries in YFeO3 Thin Films, Abinash Kumar, Konstantin Klyukin, Shuai Ning, Cigdem Ozsoy-Keskinbora, Mikhail Ovsyanko, Felix van Uden, Ruud Krijnen, Bilge Yildiz, Caroline A. Ross, and James M. LeBeau, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2107017 p1-7 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202107017

Exsolution Synthesis of Nanocomposite Perovskites with Tunable Electrical and Magnetic Properties, Jiayue Wang, Komal Syed, Shuai Ning, Iradwikanari Waluyo, Adrian Hunt, Ethan J. Crumlin, Alexander K. Opitz, Caroline A. Ross, William J. Bowman, and Bilge Yildiz, Adv. Funct. Mater. p1-15 2108005, (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202108005

Magnetism and spin transport in platinum/scandium-substituted terbium iron garnet heterostructures, Bharat Khurana , Jackson J. Bauer, Pengxiang Zhang, Taqiyyah Safi, Chung-Tao Chou, Justin T. Hou, Takian Fakhrul,1 Yabin Fan ,1 Luqiao Liu, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 084408 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.084408

Selective Deposition of Copper on Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Surfaces via Physical Vapor Deposition, Sangho Lee, Wonmoo Lee, Hee-Tae Jung, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (44), 52931-52937 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c15272

High Figure of Merit Magneto-Optical Ce- and Bi-Substituted Terbium Iron Garnet Films Integrated on Si, Takian Fakhrul, Stana Tazlaru, Bharat Khurana, Lukáš Beran, Jackson Bauer, Michal Vančík, Ariane Marchese, Ekaterina Tsotsos, Miroslav Kučera, Yan Zhang, Martin Veis, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Optical Mater., 9, 2100512 p1-10 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.202100512

Metallic Nanomeshes Fabricated by Multimechanism Directed Self-Assembly, Runze Liu, Hejin Huang, Zehao Sun, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Nano 15 (10), 16266-16276 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c05315

Bending Behavior and Directed Self-Assembly of Rod−Coil Block Copolymers, Ling-Ying Shi, Sangho Lee, Qingyang Du, Bo Zhou, Lin Weng, Runze Liu, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 10437−10445 (2021)  https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c22177

Magnetic proximity effect in magnetic-insulator/heavy-metal heterostructures across the compensation temperature, Jackson J. Bauer, Patrick Quarterman, Alexander J. Grutter, Bharat Khurana, Subhajit Kundu, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Julie A. Borchers, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. B 104, 094403 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094403

Annealing Process Dependence of the Self-Assembly of Rod−Coil Block Copolymer Thin Films, Ling-Ying Shi, Chengxiao Yin, Bo Zhou, Wei Xia, Lin Weng, and Caroline A. Ross, Macromolecules 54, 1657−1664 (2021) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02712

Magnetic Properties and Growth-Induced Anisotropy in Yttrium Thulium Iron Garnet Thin Films, Ethan R. Rosenberg, Kai Litzius, Justin M. Shaw, Grant A. Riley, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Hans T. Nembach, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2100452 p1-11 (2021)  https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202100452

Magneto-optical properties of InSb for infrared spectral filtering, Nolan Peard, Dennis Callahan, Joy C. Perkinson, Qingyang Du, Neil S. Patel, Takian Fakhrul, John LeBlanc, Caroline A. Ross, Juejun Hu, and Christine Y. Wang, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 203104 (2021) https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0048836

Magnetoelectric coupling in self-assembled BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 nanocomposites on (110)-LaAlO3 substrates, Zhuhua Mo, Guo Tian, Wenda Yang, Shuai Ning, Caroline A. Ross, Xingsen Gao, and Junming Liu, APL Mater. 9, 041109 p1-6 (2021) https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0043071

Dysprosium Iron Garnet Thin Films with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy on Silicon, Jackson J. Bauer, Ethan R. Rosenberg, Subhajit Kundu, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Patrick Quarterman, Alexander J. Grutter, Brian J. Kirby, Julie A. Borchers, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Electron. Mater. 6 1900820 (2020),

Magnetic Domain Wall Based Synaptic and Activation Function Generator for Neuromorphic Accelerators, Saima A Siddiqui, Sumit Dutta, Astera Tang, Luqiao Liu, Caroline A Ross, Marc A Baldo, Nano Lett. 20 1033-1040 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04200

Heterogeneous integration of freestanding single-crystalline complex-oxide membranes, Hyun Kum, Hyungwoo Lee, Sungkyu Kim, Shane Lindemann, Wei Kong, Kuan Qiao, Peng Chen, Julian Irwin, June Hyuk Lee, Saien Xie, Shruti Subramanian, Jaewoo Shim, Sang-Hoon Bae, Chanyeol Choi, Luigi Ranno, Seungju Seo, Sangho Lee, Jackson Bauer, Huashan Li, Kyusang Lee, Joshua A. Robinson, Caroline A. Ross, Darrell G. Schlom, Mark S. Rzchowski, Chang-Beom Eom, and Jeehwan Kim, Nature 578 75-81 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-1939-z

Voltage control of domain walls in magnetic nanowires for energy-efficient neuromorphic devices, Md Ali Azam, Dhritiman Bhattacharya, Damien Querlioz, Caroline A Ross and Jayasimha Atulasimha, Nanotechnology 31 145201 (2020) (9pp) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab6234

Nonlocal detection of out-of-plane magnetization in a magnetic insulator by thermal spin drag, Can Onur Avci, Ethan Rosenberg, Mantao Huang, Jackson Bauer, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 027701 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.027701

Imparting Superhydrophobicity with a Hierarchical Block Copolymer Coating, Li-Chen Cheng, John W. Simonaitis, Karim R. Gadelrab, Mukarram Tahir, Yi Ding, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A. Ross, Small, 16, 1905509 (2020) p1-8, https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201905509

Thermal nucleation and high-resolution imaging of sub-micrometer magnetic bubbles in thin thulium irongarnet films with perpendicular anisotropy, Felix Büttner, Mohamad A. Mawass, Jackson Bauer, EthanRosenberg, Lucas Caretta, Can Onur Avci, Joachim Gräfe, Simone Finizio, C. A. F. Vaz, Nina Novakovic,Markus Weigand, Kai Litzius, Johannes Förster, Nick Träger, Felix Groß, Daniel Suzuki,  Mantao Huang, JasonBartell, Florian Kronast, Jörg Raabe, Gisela Schütz, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4 011401R (2020) Rapid communication/Editor’s Suggestion DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.011401

Commensurability-Driven Orientation Control during Block Copolymer Directed Self-Assembly, Hyun Su Yun, Hyung Wan Do, Karl K. Berggren, Caroline A. Ross, and Hong Kyoon Choi, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 10852−10857 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b22104

Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Arising from Rare-Earth Orbital Magnetism in Insulating Magnetic Oxides, Lucas Caretta, Ethan Rosenberg, Felix Büttner, Takian Fakhrul, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Zhen Chen, Pooja Reddy, David A. Muller, Caroline A. Ross, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Nature Commun. 11 1090 (2020)pp1-9 doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14924-7

Epitaxial growth of the cubic L21-Mn2.6Ga Heusler alloy on MgO(001), Rocío M. Gutiérrez-Pérez1, José T. Holguín-Momaca, Guo Tian, Shuchi Sunil Ojha, Ricardo López Antón, Caroline A. Ross, and Sion F. Olive-Méndez, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 132407 (2020) p1-4, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0001349

Tough and Strong: Cross-Lamella Design Imparts Multifunctionality to Biomimetic Nacre, Hemant Kumar Raut, Alan F. Schwartzman, Rupambika Das, Fan Liu, Lifeng Wang, Caroline A. Ross, and Javier G. Fernandez, ACS Nano 14 9771-9779 (2020), https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c01511

Vertical Lamellae Formed by Two-Step Annealing of a Rod−Coil Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Thin Film, Ling-Ying Shi, Ji Lan, Sangho Lee, Li-Chen Cheng, Kevin G. Yager, and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Nano14 (4) 4289–4297 (2020), pp1-9, https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.9b09702

Voltage Control of Magnetism above Room Temperature in epitaxial SrCo1-xFexO3-δ, Shuai Ning, Qiqi Zhang, Connor Occhialini, Riccardo Comin, Xiaoyan Zhong and Caroline A. Ross, ACS Nano 14 (7) 8949–8957 (2020),  https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c03750

Resolving Triblock Terpolymer Morphologies by Vapor-Phase Infiltration, Sangho Lee, Ashwanth Subramanian, Nikhil Tiwale, Kim Kisslinger, Muhammad Mumtaz, Ling-Ying Shi, Karim Aissou, Chang-Yong Nam, and Caroline A. Ross, Chem. Mater. 32 (12), 5309–5316 (2020), https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01647

Variable spin-charge conversion across metal-insulator transition, Taqiyyah S. Safi, Pengxiang Zhang, Yabin Fan, Zhongxun Guo, Jiahao Han, Ethan R. Rosenberg, Caroline Ross, Yaraslov Tserkovnyak and Luqiao Liu, Nature Commun. 11 476 (2020) pp1-6, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14388-9

Spin-torque oscillation in a magnetic insulator probed by a single-spin sensor, H. Zhang, M. J. H. Ku, F. Casola, C. H. R. Du, T. van der Sar, M. C. Onbasli, C. A. Ross, Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Yacoby, and R. L. Walsworth, Phys. Rev. B 102, 024404 (2020) p1-14, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.024404

Relativistic Kinematics of a Magnetic Soliton, Lucas Caretta, Se-Hyeok Oh, Takian Fakhrul, Dong-Kyu Lee, Byung Hun Lee, Se Kwon Kim, Caroline A. Ross, Kyung-Jin Lee, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Science 370(6523) p1438-1442. (2020) https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba5555

Machine Learning Predictions of Block Copolymer Self-Assembly, K.-H. Tu, H. Huang, S. Lee, W. Lee, Z. Sun, A. Alexander-Katz, C. A. Ross, Adv. Mater. 2020, 2005713 p1-8, https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202005713

Self-directed Self-assembly of 3D Tailored Block Copolymer Nanostructures, Hejin Huang, Runze Liu, Caroline A. Ross, and Alfredo Alexander-Katz, ACS Nano (2020), 14 (11), 15182–15192  https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c05417

Filling in the missing link: monolithic optical isolators on silicon with high performance, broadband operation, and polarization diversity, Juejun Hu, Yan Zhang, Qingyang Du, Chuangtang Wang, Takian Fakhrul, Yifei Zhang, Shuyuan Liu, Longjiang Deng, Claudia Goncalves, Cesar Blanco, Kathleen Richardson, Duanni Huang, Paolo Pintus, John Bowers, Caroline A. Ross, Lei Bi, Proc. SPIE 11289, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures X, 112891L p1-9 (26 February 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2553949

Tunable infrared spectral imaging system, Christine Y. Wang, Nolan Peard, Dennis Callahan, Joy C. Perkinson, Neil Patel, John LeBlanc, Qingyang Du, Takian Fakhrul, Caroline A. Ross, Juejun Hu, Proc. SPIE 11537, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XVII, 1153703 (12 October 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2570591

Crested two-dimensional transistors, Tao Liu, Song Liu, Kun-Hua Tu, Henrik Schmidt, Leiqiang Chu, Du Xiang, Jens Martin, Goki Eda, Caroline A. Ross and Slaven Garaj, Nature Nanotechnol. 14 223-226 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0361-x

Self-assembly of a silicon-containing side-chain liquid crystalline block copolymer in bulk and in thin films: kinetic pathway of a cylinder to sphere transition, Fen Liao, Ling-Ying Shi, Li-Chen Cheng, Sangho Lee, Rong Ran, K. G. Yager and Caroline A. Ross, Nanoscale, 11, 285–293 (2019);  https://doi.org/10.1039/c8nr07685e

Oxygen-vacancy tuning of magnetism in SrTi0.75Fe0.125Co0.125O3−δ 2 perovskite, M. A. Opazo, S. P. Ong, P. Vargas, C. A. Ross, and J. M. Florez, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 014404 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.014404

Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and spin mixing conductance in polycrystalline europium iron garnet thin films, J. J. Bauer, E. R. Rosenberg, C. A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 052403 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5074166 [Editor’s Choice]

Thin Film Self-Assembly of a Silicon-Containing Rod–Coil Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer, Ling-Ying Shi, Sangho Lee, Li-Chen Cheng, Hejin Huang, Fen Liao, Rong Ran, Kevin G. Yager, and Caroline A. Ross, Macromolecules, 52 (2), pp 679–689, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01938

Novel Emergent Symmetries in Block Copolymer Epitaxy, Yi Ding, Karim R. Gadelrab, Katherine Mizrahi Rodriguez, Hejin Huang, Caroline A. Ross, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Nature Commun. 10 2974 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10896-5

XMCD study of magnetism and valence state in iron-substituted strontium titanate, Astera S. Tang, Jonathan Pelliciari, Qi Song, Qian Song, Shuai Ning, John W. Freeland, Riccardo Comin, and Caroline A. Ross, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 054408 pp1-9 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.054408

Monolithic integration of broadband optical isolators for polarization-diverse silicon photonics, Yan Zhang, Qingyang Du, Chuangtang Wang, Takian Fakhrul, Shuyuan Liu, Longjiang Deng, Duanni Huang, Paolo Pintus, John Bowers, Caroline A. Ross, Juejun Hu, and Lei Bi, Optica 6(4) 473-478 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.6.000473

Magneto-Optical Bi:YIG Films with High Figure of Merit for Nonreciprocal Photonics, Takian Fakhrul, Stana Tazlaru, Lukáš Beran, Yan Zhang, Martin Veis, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Optical Mater., 1900056 p1-9 (2019)  https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.201900056

Core−Shell and Zigzag Nanostructures from a Thin Film Silicon-Containing Conformationally Asymmetric Triblock Terpolymer, Ling-Ying Shi, Fen Liao, Li-Chen Cheng, Sangho Lee, Rong Ran, Zhihao Shen, and Caroline A. Ross,  ACS Macro Lett. 8, 852−858, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsmacrolett.9b00283

Universal perpendicular orientation of block copolymer microdomains using a filtered plasma, Jinwoo Oh, Hyo Seon Suh, Youngpyo Ko, Yoonseo Nah, Jong-Chan Lee, Bongjun Yeom, Kookheon Char, Caroline A. Ross and Jeong Gon Son, Nature Communications 10 2912 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10907-5

Structure, Ferroelectricity, and Magnetism in Self-Assembled BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites on (110)-LaAlO3 Substrates, Guo Tian, Shuchi Ojha, Shuai Ning, Xingsen Gao, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Electron. Mater. 1900012 p1-9 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.201900012

Self-assembled multiferroic perovskite–spinel nanocomposite thin films: epitaxial growth, templating and integration on silicon, Dong-Hun Kim, Shuai Ning and C.A., Ross, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 9128-9148 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1039/c9tc02033k

In Situ Study of ABC Triblock Terpolymer Self-Assembly under Solvent Vapor Annealing, Sangho Lee, Li-Chen Cheng, Kevin G. Yager, Muhammad Mumtaz, Karim Aissou, and Caroline A. Ross, Macromolecules  52, 1853−1863 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.8b02273

Interface-driven chiral magnetism and current-driven domain walls in insulating magnetic garnets, Can Onur Avci, Ethan Rosenberg, Lucas Caretta, Felix Büttner , Maxwell Mann, Colin Marcus, David Bono, Caroline A. Ross and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Nature Nanotechnology 14 561–566 (2019)  https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0421-2

Anomalous Defect Dependence of Thermal Conductivity in Epitaxial WO3 Thin Films, Shuai Ning, Samuel C. Huberman, Zhiwei Ding, Ho-Hyun Nahm, Yong-Hyun Kim, Hyun-Suk Kim, Gang Chen, and Caroline A. Ross, Adv. Mater. 31(43) 1903738 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201903738

Dysprosium substituted Ce:YIG thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for silicon integrated optical isolator applications, Yan Zhang, Qingyang Du, Chuangtang Wang, Wei Yan, Longjiang Deng, Juejun Hu, Caroline A. Ross, and Lei Bi, APL Mater. 7, 081119 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5112827

Ferromagnetic resonance of perpendicularly magnetized Tm3Fe5O12/Pt heterostructures, S. Crossley, A. Quindeau, A. G. Swartz, E. R. Rosenberg, L. Beran, C. O. Avci, Y. Hikita, C. A. Ross, and H. Y. Hwang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 172402 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5124120

Influence of dipolar interactions on the magnetic properties of superparamagnetic particle systems, F. Fabris, Kun-Hua Tu, C. A. Ross and W. C. Nunes, J. Appl. Phys. 126, 173905 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5125595

Three port logic gate using forward volume spin wave interference in a thin yttrium iron garnet film, Taichi Goto, Takuya Yoshimoto, Bungo Iwamoto, Kei Shimada, Caroline A. Ross, Koji Sekiguchi, Alexander B. Granovsky, Yuichi Nakamura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue, Scientific Reports 9 16472 (2019), pp1-11 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-52889-w

Guo Tian, Shuchi Ojha, Shuai Ning, Xingsen Gao, and Caroline A. Ross, “Structure, Ferroelectricity, and Magnetism in Self-Assembled BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites on (110)-LaAlO3 Substrates”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 1900012 p1-9 (2019), DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201900012

Dong-Hun Kim, Shuai Ning and C.A., Ross, “Self-assembled multiferroic perovskite–spinel nanocomposite thin films: epitaxial growth, templating and integration on silicon”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 9128-9148 (2019), DOI: 10.1039/c9tc02033k

Saima A. Siddiqui, Sumit Dutta, Jean A. Currivan-Incorvia, Caroline A. Ross and Marc A. Baldo, “Effect of magnetostatic interactions on stochastic domain wall motion in sub-100-nm-wide nanowires”, IEEE Mag. Lett. 9 4101405 5pp (2018), DOI:

Samuel M. Nicaise, Karim R. Gadelrab, Amir Tavakkoli K. G., Caroline A. Ross, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Karl K. Berggren, “Rapid shear alignment of sub-10-nm cylinder-forming block copolymer films based on coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch”, Nano Futures. 1,035006 11pp (2018), DOI: 10.1088/2399-1984.aaa068

Astera Tang, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Xueyin Sun, Caroline A. Ross, “Thickness-dependent double epitaxial growth in strained magnetic SrTi0.7Co0.3O3-δfilms”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 10(8) 7469-7475 (2018) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b18808

C. Garcia, W.O. Rosa, J. Garcia, V. M. Prida, B. Hernando, J. A. Lopez, P. Vargas and C. A. Ross, “Magnetization reversal in radially distributed nanowire arrays, J. Phys. Chem. C. 122(9), pp 5124–5130 (2018),  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b10799

Ethan R. Rosenberg, Lukáš Beran, Can O. Avci, Cyrus Zeledon, Bingqian Song, Claudio Gonzales, Johannes Mendil, Pietro Gambardella, Martin Veis, Carlos Garcia, Geoffrey S.D. Beach, Caroline A. Ross, “Magnetism and spin transport in rare-earth-rich epitaxial terbium and europium iron garnet films”, Phys. Rev. Mater. 2 094405 (2018), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.094405

Hyung Wan Do, Hong Kyoon Choi,Karim R. Gadelrab, Jae‑Byum Chang, Alfredo Alexander‑Katz, Caroline A. Ross and Karl K. Berggren, “Directed selfassembly of a twostateblock copolymer system”, Nano Convergence. 5:25 p1-9 (2018), DOI: 10.1186/s40580-018-0156-z

Li-Chen Cheng, Karim Raafat Gadelrab, Ken Kawamoto, Kevin G. Yager,Jeremiah A. Johnson, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A Ross, Templated Self-assembly of a PS-branch-PDMS Bottlebrush Copolymer”Nano Lett. 18(7):4360-4369 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b01389

Sangho Lee, Li-Chen Cheng, Karim R. Gadelrab, Konstantinos Ntetsikas,Dimitrios Moschovas, Kevin G. Yager, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A. Ross, “Double-Layer Morphologies from a Silicon-Containing ABA Triblock Copolymer”, ACS Nano. 12, 6193−6202, p1-10 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b02851

Tae Cheol Kim, Shuchi Ojha, Guo Tian, Seung Han Lee, Hyun Kyu Jung,Jun Woo Choi, Lior Kornblum, Frederick J. Walker, Charles H. Ahn,Caroline A. Rossand Dong Hun Kim, Self-assembled multiferroic epitaxialBiFeO3–CoFe2O4 nanocomposite thin films grown by RF magnetron sputtering”, J. Mater. Chem. C. 6, 5552 p1-10 (2018), DOI: 10.1039/c8tc01192c

Seung Han Lee, Guo Tian, Tae Cheol Kim, Hyun Kyu Jung,Jun Woo Choi, Frederick J Walker, Charles H Ahn,Caroline A Ross and Dong Hun Kim, “Integration of sputter-deposited multiferroic CoFe2O4–BiFeO3 nanocomposites on conductive La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 electrodes”, Nanotechnology 30(10)  105601 (13pp) (2019), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aaf7cd

Kilic, C. A. Ross, and C. Garcia, “Tailoring the Asymmetric Magnetoimpedance Response in Exchange-BiasedNi-Fe Multilayers”, Physical Review Applied. 10, 034043 (2018), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.10.034043

Kun-Hua Tu, Eduardo Fernandez, Hamid Almasi, Weigang Wang,David Navas Otero, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, Dimitrios Moschovas,Apostolos Avgeropoulos and Caroline A Ross, “Magnetic reversal and thermal stability ofCoFeB perpendicular magnetic tunneljunction arrays patterned by blockcopolymer lithography”, Nanotechnology. 29 275302 (12pp), (2018),  DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aabce8

Eduardo Fernandez, Kun-Hua Tu, Pin Ho and Caroline A Ross, “Thermal stability of L10-FePt nanodotspatterned by self-assembled blockcopolymer lithography”, Nanotechnology. 29, 465301 (9pp) (2018), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aade2f

Kun-Hua Tu, Shuchi Ojha and Caroline A Ross,“Domain wall structure and interactions in 50 nm wide Cobalt nanowires”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 215002 (p1-8) (2018), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aabd92

Chen Zhang, Samuel C. Huberman, Shuai Ning, Jonathan Pelliciari, Ryan A. Duncan, Bolin Liao, Shuchi Ojha,John W. Freeland, Keith A. Nelson, Riccardo Comin, Gang Chen, and Caroline A. Ross, “Thermal conductivity in self-assembled CoFe2O4/BiFeO3 vertical nanocomposite films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 223105 pp1-5 (2018) DOI: 10.1063/1.5049176

Karim R. Gadelrab, Yi Ding, Ricardo Pablo-Pedro, Hsieh Chen, Kevin W. Gotrik,David G. Tempel, Caroline A. Ross, and Alfredo Alexander-Katz, “Limits of Directed Self-Assembly in Block Copolymers, Nano Lett. 18, 3766−3772 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b00997

Qingyang Du, Takian Fakhrul, Yan Zhang, Juejun Hu andCaroline A. Ross, “Monolithic magneto-optical oxide thinfilms for on-chip optical isolation”, MRS Bulletin. 43 413-418 (2018), DOI: 10.1557/mrs.2018.127

Takuya Yoshimoto, Taichi Goto, Kei Shimada, Bungo Iwamoto, Yuichi Nakamura, Hironaga Uchida, Caroline A. Ross, and Mitsuteru Inoue, “Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of SingleCrystalline Yttrium Iron Garnet Films Epitaxially Grown on Three Garnet Substrates”, Advanced Electron. Mater. 4, 1800106 p1-8 (2018), DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201800106

Chuangtang Wang, Yifei Zhang, Yan Zhang,Takian Fakhrul, Wei Zhang, Claudia Goncalves, Cesar Blanco,Kathleen Richardson, Longjiang Deng, Caroline A. Ross, Lei Bi, and Juejun Hu, “Monolithic On-chip Magneto-optical Isolator with 3 dB Insertion Loss and 40 dB Isolation Ratio Qingyang Du”, ACS Photonics. 5, 5010−5016 (2018), DOI: 10.1038/s41565-019-0361-x

Saima A. Siddiqui,1 Jiahao Han, Joseph T. Finley, Caroline A. Ross, and Luqiao Liu, “Current-Induced Domain Wall Motion in a Compensated Ferrimagnet”, Physical Review Letters. 121, 057701 (2018), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.057701



Garcia, W. O. Rosa, J. Garcia, V. M. Prida, B. Hernando, J. A. Lopez, P. Vargas and C. A. Ross, “Magnetization reversal in radially distributed nanowire arrays”,J. Phys. Chem. C,(2018), 122(9), pp 5124–5130 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b10799

Dong Hun Kim, Seung Ho Han, Moon, Lee, and Caroline A. Ross, “Structure and magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited SrFe12O19thin films on SrTiO3(100) and (111) substrates”, J. Alloy Compounds 692 545-551 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.09.046

Can Onur Avci, Andy Quindeau, Chi-Feng Pai, Maxwell Mann, Lucas Caretta, Astera S. Tang, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach,“Current-Induced Switching in a Magnetic Insulator”,Nature Materials 16 309-314 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/nmat4812

Andy Quindeau, Can O. Avci, Wenqing Liu, Congli Sun, Maxwell Mann, Astera T. Tang, Mehmet C. Onbasli, David Bono, Paul M. Voyles, Yongbing Xu, Jason Robinson, Geoffrey S. D. Beach and Caroline A. Ross, “Tm3Fe5O12/Pt Heterostructures with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for Spintronic Applications”, Advanced Electronic Materials3 1600376 (2017) 8 pages DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201600376

Lage,J. Zhangand C.A. Ross, “Head to head domain wall structures in tapered magnetic strips”, IEEE Trans Magn. 53(2) 7100104 1-4 (2017)

Taichi Goto, Dong Hun Kim, Xueyin Sun, Nicolas M Aimon, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Juan Manuel Florez Uribe, Karl Ackland, Plamen Stamenov, Mitsuteru Inoue, Michael Coey, Harry L. Tuller, Gerald F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, “Magnetism and Faraday rotation in polycrystalline and single-crystal iron-substituted strontium titanate films deposited at different pressures”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 7 024006 14pp (2017)

A. Gallardo, S. Khanal, J. M. Vargas, L. Spinu, C. A. Ross and C. Garcia, “Angular dependent FORC and FMR of exchange-biased NiFe multilayer films”, J Phys D, 50 075002 10pp (2017)

Kubota, K. Murata, J. Miyawaki, K. Ozawa, M. C. Onbasli, T. Shirasawa, B. Feng, Sh. Yamamoto, R.-Y. Liu, S. Yamamoto, S. K. Mahatha, P. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, C. A. Ross, S. Suga, Y. Harada, K. L. Wang, and I. Matsuda, “Interface electronic structure at the topological insulator – ferrimagnetic insulator junction”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 055002 (6pp)(2017) [Selected as Annual Journal Highlight]

Li-Chen Cheng, Wubin Bai, Eduardo Fernandez Martin, Kun-Hua Tu, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, George Liontos, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, and C.A. Ross, Morphology, directed self-assembly and pattern transfer from a high molecular weight polystyrene-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane) block copolymer film”, Nanotechnol. 28 145301 11pp (2017) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aa61c90957-4484/

Hong Kyoon Choi, Jae-Byum Chang, Adam F. Hannon, Joel K. W. Yang, Karl K. Berggren, Alfredo Alexander-Katz and Caroline Ross, “Nanoscale Spirals by Directed Self-Assembly”, Nano Futures 1 015001 9pp (2017)

Can Onur Avci, Andy Quindeau, Maxwell Mann, Chi-Feng Pai, Caroline A. Ross, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, “Spin transport in as-grown and annealed Thulium iron garnet/Pt bilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, Phys Rev. B 95, 115428(2017)  9pp DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.115428

Viktor Lauer, Michael Schneider, Thomas Meyer, Thomas Brächer, Philipp Pirro, Björn Heinz, Frank Heussner, Bert Lägel, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, Burkard Hillebrands, and Andrii V. Chumak, “Temporal evolution of auto-oscillations in a YIG/Pt microdisc driven by pulsed spin Hall effect-induced spin-transfer torque”, IEEE Magnetics Letters 8 3104304 4pp (2017)10.1109/LMAG.2017.2661243

R.A. Escobar, E. Lage, J. d’Albuquerque e Castro, D. Altbir, C.A. Ross, “Geometry dependence of the magnetization reversal process in bridged dots”, J Magn. Magn. Mater. 432 304-308 (2017)

Enno Lage, Lukas Beran, Andy Udo Quindeau,Lukas Ohnoutek, M. Kucera, R. Antos, Gerald F. Dionne, Martin Veis and Caroline A. Ross, “Temperature-dependent Faraday Rotation and Magnetization Reorientation in Cerium-substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films”, APL Materials  5, 036104 7pp (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4976817

Dong Hun Kim, Tae Cheol Kim,Seung Han Lee, Seung Ho Han, Kyu-Sung Han and C. A. Ross, “Self-assembled growth of Sr(Ti,Fe)O3– CoFe2O4magnetic nanocomposite thin films”, J Appl. Phys. 121 163903 (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4982162

R. Sani, F. Liu, and C. A. Ross, “Magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic wires patterned with antiferromagnetic gratings”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 162403 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4981389

Y. Zhang, C. T. Wang, X. Liang, B. Peng, H. P. Lu, P. H. Zhou, L. Zhang, J. X. Xie, L. J. Deng , M. Zahradnik, L. Beran, M. Kucera, M. Veis, C. A. Ross and L.Bi, “Enhanced magneto-optical effect in Ce1.5Y1.5Fe5O12thin films deposited on silicon by pulsed laser deposition”, J Alloy Compounds 703 591-599 (2017)  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.01.315

In Hyu Ryu, YongJoo Kim, Yeon Sik Jung, Jong Seong Lim, Caroline A. Ross, and Jeong Gon Son, “Interfacial Energy-Controlled Top Coats for Gyroid-Cylinder Phase Transitions of PS-b-PDMS Block Copolymer Thin Films”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2017), 9, 17427−17434, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b02910

Chunhui Du, Toeno Van der Sar, Tony X. Zhou, Pramey Upadhyaya, Francesco Casola, Huiliang Zhang, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, Ronald L. Walsworth, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Amir Yacoby, “Control and Local Measurement of the Spin Chemical Potential in a Magnetic Insulator”, Science (2017) Vol. 357, Issue 6347, pp. 195-198 DOI: 10.1126/science.aak9611

Takuya Yoshimoto, Taichi Goto, Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuchi Nakamura, Hironaga Uchida, Caroline A. Ross & Mitsuteru Inoue, “Thermally stable amorphous tantalum yttrium oxide with low IR absorption for magnetophotonic devices”, Sci. Rep. 7: 13805 pp1-9 (2017) DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-14184-4

Sumit Dutta, Saima A. Siddiqui, Jean Anne Currivan-Incorvia, Caroline A. Ross and Marc A. Baldo, “The Spatial Resolution Limit for an Individual Domain Wall in Magnetic Nanowires”, Nano Lett., (2017), 17(9), 5869–5874

Naoki Kanazawa, Taichi Goto, Koji Sekiguchi, Alexander B. Granovsky, Caroline A. Ross, Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuichi Nakamura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue, “The role of Snell’s law for a magnonic majority gate”, Sci. Rep. 7 7898 (2017)doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08114-7

Chen Zhang, Dong Hun Kim, Xiaohu Huang, Xue Yin Sun, Nicolas M. Aimon, Soo Jin Chua and Caroline A. Ross,“Magnetic and photoluminescent coupling in SrTi0.87Fe0.13O3/ZnO vertical nanocomposite films”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2017), 9 (37), pp 32359–32368, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b08741

Shuai Ning, Samuel C. Huberman, Chen Zhang, Zhengjun Zhang, Gang Chen and Caroline A. Ross, “Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity of BiFeO3Thin Filmson Polarization and Structure”Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 054049 8pp (2017)

Navas, N. Soriano, F. Béron, C. T. Sousa, K. R. Pirota, J. Torrejon, C. Redondo, R. Morales and C. A. Ross, “Microscopic reversal magnetization mechanisms in CoCrPt thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy: Fractal structure versus labyrinth stripe domains”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 96, 180403(R) (2017) 5pp

Karim R. Gadelrab, Adam F. Hannon, Caroline A. Ross and Alfredo Alexander-Katz, “Inverting the design path for self-assembled block copolymers”, RSC Molecular Systems Design and Engineering 2 539-548 (2017) DOI: 10.1039/c7me00062f

Michael Balinskiy, Shuchi Ojha, Howard Chiang, Mojtaba Ranjbar, Caroline A. Ross, and Alexander Khitun, “Spin wave excitation in sub-micrometer thick Y3Fe5O12 films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on garnet and silicon substrates: A comparative study”,Journal of Applied Physics 122, 123904 (2017); DOI: 10.1063/1.4990565

Grace G. D. Han, Kun-Hua Tu, Farnaz Niroui, Wenshuo Xu, Vladimir Bulović, Caroline A. Ross, Jamie H. Warner, Jeffrey C. Grossman, “Photoluminescent Nano-Patterned Monolayer MoS2by Block Copolymer Lithography”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1703688 12pp (2017)

Can Onur Avci, Ethan Rosenberg, Manuel Baumgartner, Lukas Beran, Andy Quindeau, Pietro Gambardella, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, “Photoluminescent Nano-Patterned Monolayer MoS2by Block Copolymer Lithography”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 072406 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4994050



S. Zhang, Saima A. Siddiqui, P. Ho, J. A. Currivan-Incorvia, L. Tryputen,E. Lage, D. C. Bono, M. Baldo, and C. A. Ross, “360° domain walls: stability, magnetic field and electric current effects”, New J Phys. 18 053028 (2016) pp1-9 doi:10.1088/1367-2630/18/5/053028

Joel Yuen-Zhou, Semion K. Saikin, Tony Zhu, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, Vladimir Bulovic, and Marc Baldo, “Plexciton Dirac points and topological modes”, Nature Communications 7 11783 pp1-7 (2016)

Larysa Tryputenand Kun-Hua Tu, Stephan K. Piotrowski, Mukund Bapna, and Sara A. Majetich, Congli Sun and Paul Voyles, Hamid Almasi and Weigang Wang, Patricio Vargas, Jason S. Tresback, Caroline A. Ross, “Patterning of sub-50 nm Perpendicular CoFeB/MgO-based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, Nanotechnol. 27 185302 (2016) (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/18/185302

Mehmet C. Onbasli, Lukáš Beran, Martin Zahradník, Miroslav Kučera,Roman Antoš, Jan Mistrík, Gerald F. Dionne, Martin Veis and Caroline A.Ross, “Optical and magneto-optical behavior of Cerium Yttrium Iron Garnet thin films at wavelengths of 200 – 1770 nm”, Scientific Rep. 6 23640 pp1-10 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep23640

Takuya Yoshimoto, Taichi Goto, Ryosuke Isogai, Yuichi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Takagi, C. A. Ross, and M. Inoue, “Magnetophotonic crystal with cerium substituted yttrium iron garnet and enhanced Faraday rotation angle”, Optics Express 24(8) 8746 (2016) DOI:10.1364/OE.24.008746

Enno Lage, Necdet Onur Urs, Saima Siddiqui, Marc Baldo, Jeffrey McCord, and Caroline A. Ross, “Depinning of Domain Walls by Magnetic Fields and Current Pulses in Tapered Nanowires With Anti-Notches”, Mag Lett. 7 3502405 (2016) pp1-5

Shuchi Ojha, Nicolas M. Aimon and Caroline A. Ross, “Tailored Anisotropy and Magnetostatic Interactions in Self-Assembled CoxNi1-xFe2O4/BiFeO3nanocomposites”, ACS Nano 10, 7657−7664(2016) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b02985

Kanazawa, Taichi Goto, Koji Sekiguchi, Alexander B. Granovsky, Caroline A. Ross, Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuichi Nakamura, Mitsuteru Inoue, Demonstration of a robust magnonic spin wave interferometer”, Naoki Sci. Rep. 6 30268 p1-8 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep30268

F. Franco, C. Gonzalez, R. Morales, C. A. Ross, R. Dumas, J. Akerman, and C. Garcia, “A variable variance Preisach model for multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, Phys. Rev. B 94 064431 (2016) pp1-11

Yan Chen, Shuchi Ojha, Nikolai Tsvetkov, Dong Hun Kim, Bilge Yildiz, C.A. Ross,“Spinel/Perovskite Cobaltite Nanocomposites Synthesized by Combinatorial Pulsed Laser Deposition”, CrystEngCom 18 7745-7752 (2016)

Bai, K. G. Yager, C. A. Ross, “In Situ GISAXS Study of a Si-containing block copolymer under solvent vapor annealing: effects of molecular weight and solvent vapor composition”, Polymer 101 176-183 (2016)

Keehong Lee, Melissa Kreider, Wubin Bai, Li-Chen Cheng, Saman Safari Dinachali, Kun-Hua Tu, Tao Huang, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, George Liontos, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Caroline A. Ross, “UV-Solvent Annealing of PDMS-majority and PS-majority PS-b-PDMS block copolymer films”, Nanotechnology 27 465301 (11pp)(2016)

Ken Kawamoto, Mingjiang Zhong, Karim R. Gadelrab, Li-Chen Cheng, Caroline A. Ross, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Jeremiah A. Johnson, “Graft-through Synthesis and Assembly of Janus Bottlebrush Polymers from A-Branch-B Diblock Macromonomers”, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 138(36), 11501–11504(2016) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b07670

Jinshuo Zhang and Caroline A. Ross, “Domain wall configurations and interactions in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy nanowires”, Mag. Lett. 7 3504205 (5 pages) (2016)

Chen Zhang, Xiaohu Huang, Hongfei Liu, Soo Jin Chuaand Caroline A Ross, “Large-area zinc oxide nanorod arrays templated by nanoimprint lithography: control of morphologies and optical properties”, Nanotechnology 27 485604 (8pp)(2016)

 J.A. Currivan-Incorvia, S. Siddiqui, S. Dutta, E. R. Evarts, J. Zhang, D. Bono, C. A. Ross, and M. A. Baldo, “Logic circuit prototypes for three-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions with mobile domain walls”, Nat. Commun. 7 10275 pp1-7 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10275

R.A. Escobar, L. Tryputen, S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, D. Altbir, S. Chung, T. N. Anh Nguyen, Majid S. Mohseni, J. Åkerman and C. A. Ross, “Monte Carlo modeling of mixed-anisotropy [Co/Ni]2/NiFe multilayers”, IEEE Magnetics Letts. 7 4101205 pp1-5 (2016)

Bai and C.A. Ross, “Functional nanostructured materials based on self-assembly of block copolymers”, MRS Bull. 41(2) 100-107 (2016)

Amir Tavakkoli K.G., Samuel M. Nicaise, Karim R. Gadelrab, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross, Karl K. Berggren, “Multilayer Block-Copolymer Meshes by Orthogonal Self-Assembly”, Nat. Commun. 7 10518 pp1-10 (2016) <DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10518>

Wenqing Liu, Liang He, Yan Zhou, Koichi Murata, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, Yongbing Xu, Rong Zhang, Kang. L. Wang, “Evidence for Ferromagnetic Coupling at the Doped Topological Insulator/Ferromagnetic Insulator Interface”, AIP Advances 6, 055813 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4943157

Dong Hun Kim, XueYin Sun, Tae Cheol Kim, Yun Jae Eun, Taeho Lee, Sung Gyun Jeong and Caroline A. Ross, “Magnetic phase formation in self-assembled epitaxial BiFeO3-MgO and BiFeO3-MgAl2O4 nanocomposite films grown by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition”, ACS Adv. Mat. Inter. 8 (4), pp 2673–2679 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b10676

Pin Ho, Jinshuo Zhang, David C. Bono, Jingsheng Chen, Caroline A. Ross, “Oersted field and spin current effects on magnetic domains in [Co/Pd]15 nanowires”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 52 2100506 (2016) pp1-6 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2526972

Jin Young Kim, S. Joon Kwon, Jae-Byum Chang, Caroline A. Ross, T. Alan Hatton, and Francesco Stellacci, Two-Dimensional Nanoparticle Supracrystals: A Model System for Two-Dimensional Melting”, Nano Lett. 16 (2), pp 1352–1358 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04763

Pin Ho, Kun-Hua Tu, Jinshuo Zhang, Congli Sun, Jingsheng Chen, George Liontos, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Paul M. Voyles, Caroline A. Ross, “Domain Configurations in Co/Pd and L10-FePt Nanowire Arrays with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy”, Nanoscale 8, 5358-5367 (2016)

Christine C. Kathrein, Wubin Bai, Adam Nunns, Jessica Gwyther, Ian Manners, Alexander Boker, Larisa Tsarkova, and Caroline A. Ross, “Electric Field induced Morphological Transitions in Metalorganic 3-Miktoarm Star Terpolymer Films”, Soft Matter 12 4866-4874 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/c6sm00451b

J.S. Zhang, Saima A. Siddiqui, P. Ho, J. A. Currivan-Incorvia, L. Tryputen, E. Lage, D. C. Bono, M. Baldo, and C. A. Ross, “360° domain walls: stability, magnetic field and electric current effects”, New J Phys. 18 053028 (2016) pp1-9 doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/5/053028

Joel Yuen-Zhou, Semion K. Saikin, Tony Zhu, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, Vladimir Bulovic, and Marc Baldo, “Plexciton Dirac points and topological modes”, Nature Communications 7 11783 pp1-7 (2016)

Larysa Tryputen and Kun-Hua Tu, Stephan K. Piotrowski, Mukund Bapna, and Sara A. Majetich, Congli Sun and Paul Voyles, Hamid Almasi and Weigang Wang, Patricio Vargas, Jason S. Tresback, Caroline A. Ross, “Patterning of sub-50 nm Perpendicular CoFeB/MgO-based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, Nanotechnol. 27 185302  (2016) (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/18/185302

Mehmet C. Onbasli, Lukáš Beran, Martin Zahradník, Miroslav Kučera, Roman Antoš, Jan Mistrík, Gerald F. Dionne, Martin Veis and Caroline A. Ross, “Optical and magneto-optical behavior of Cerium Yttrium Iron Garnet thin films at wavelengths of 200 – 1770 nm”, Scientific Rep. 6 23640 pp1-10 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep23640

Takuya Yoshimoto, Taichi Goto, Ryosuke Isogai, Yuichi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Takagi, C. A. Ross, and M. Inoue, “Magnetophotonic crystal with cerium substituted yttrium iron garnet and enhanced Faraday rotation angle”, Optics Express 24(8) 8746 (2016) DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.008746

Enno Lage, Necdet Onur Urs, Saima Siddiqui, Marc Baldo, Jeffrey McCord, and Caroline A. Ross, “Depinning of Domain Walls by Magnetic Fields and Current Pulses in Tapered Nanowires With Anti-Notches”, Mag Lett. 7 3502405 (2016) pp1-5

Shuchi Ojha, Wallace C.NunesNicolas M. Aimon and Caroline A. Ross, Magnetostatic Interactions in Self-Assembled CoxNi1-xFe2O4/BiFeO3 nanocomposites”, ACS Nano 10, 7657−7664 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b02985

Naoki Kanazawa, Taichi Goto, Koji Sekiguchi, Alexander B. Granovsky, Caroline A. Ross, Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuichi Nakamura, Mitsuteru Inoue,“Demonstration of a robust magnonic spin wave interferometer”, Sci. Rep. 6 30268 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep30268

Dong Hun Kim, Seung Ho Han, Moon, Lee, and Caroline A. Ross, “Structure and magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited SrFe12O19 thin films on SrTiO3 (100) and (111) substrates”, J. Alloy Compounds (2016) doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.09.046

F. Franco, C. Gonzalez, R. Morales, C. A. Ross, R. Dumas, J. Akerman, and C. Garcia, “A variable variance Preisach model for multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, Phys. Rev. B 94 064431 (2016) pp1-11

Can Onur Avci, Andy Quindeau, Chi-Feng Pai, Maxwell Mann, Lucas Caretta, Astera S. Tang, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Caroline A. Ross, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, “Current-Induced Switching in a Magnetic Insulator”, Nature Materials (2016) doi: 10.1038/nmat4812

Yan Chen, Shuchi Ojha, Nikolai Tsvetkov, Dong Hun Kim, Bilge Yildiz, C.A. Ross, “Spinel/Perovskite Cobaltite Nanocomposites Synthesized by Combinatorial Pulsed Laser Deposition”, CrystEngCom 18 7745-7752 (2016)

W.Bai, K. G. Yager, C. A. Ross, “In Situ GISAXS Study of a Si-containing block copolymer under solvent vapor annealing: effects of molecular weight and solvent vapor composition”, Polymer 101 176-183 (2016)

Keehong Lee, Melissa Kreider, Wubin Bai, Li-Chen Cheng, Saman Safari Dinachali, Kun-Hua Tu, Tao Huang, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, George Liontos, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Caroline A. Ross, UV-Solvent Annealing of PDMS-majority and PS-majority PS-b-PDMS block copolymer films”, Nanotechnology 27 465301 (11pp) (2016)

Ken Kawamoto, Mingjiang Zhong, Karim R. Gadelrab, Li-Chen Cheng, Caroline A. Ross, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Jeremiah A. Johnson, “Graft-through Synthesis and Assembly of Janus Bottlebrush Polymers from A-Branch-B Diblock Macromonomers”, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 138 (36), pp 11501–11504 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b07670

Jinshuo Zhang and Caroline A. Ross, “Domain wall configurations and interactions in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy nanowires”, Mag. Lett. 7 3504205 (5 pages) (2016)

Chen Zhang, Xiaohu Huang, Hongfei Liu, Soo Jin Chua and Caroline A Ross, “Large-area zinc oxide nanorod arrays templated by nanoimprint lithography: control of morphologies and optical properties”, Nanotechnology 27 485604 (8pp) (2016)



Tryputen, F. Guo, F. Liu, T. N. Anh Nguyen, M. S. Mohseni, S. Chung, Y. Fang, J. Akerman, R. D. McMichael, and C. A. Ross, “Magnetic structure and anisotropy of [Co/Pd]5/NiFe multilayers”, Phys. Rev. B 91, 014407 p1-6 (2015)

Karim Aissou, Muhammad Mumtaz, Guillaume Fleury, Giuseppe Portale, Christophe Navarro, Eric Cloutet, Cyril Brochon, Caroline A. Ross and Georges Hadziioannou, “Sub-10 nm Features Obtained from Directed Self-Assembly of Semicrystalline Polycarbosilane-Based Block Copolymer Thin Films”, Adv. Mater., 27 (2), 261–265 (2015)

Nicolas M. Aimon, Dong Hun Kim, XueYin Sun, and C. A. Ross, “Multiferroic behavior of templated BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 self-assembled nanocomposites”,ACS Materials and Interfaces in press (2015)

Ho, J. S. Zhang, J. A. Currivan, D. C. Bono, C. A. Ross, “Field and current driven magnetic domain wall motion in disordered A1-FePt nanowires”,in press, IEEE Magnetics Letters (2015)

Wenqing Liu, Liang He, Yongbing Xu, Koichi Murata, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Murong Lang, Ying Jiang, Nick. J. Maltby, Shunpu Li, Xuefeng Wang, Caroline A. Ross, Yong Wang, Peter Bencok, Gerrit van der Laan, R. Zhang, Kang L. Wang, “Enhancing Magnetic Ordering in Cr-doped Bi2Se3 using High-TC Ferromagnetic Insulator”,Nano Letts. in press (2015) DOI: 10.1021/nl504480g

Dong Hun Kim , Xue Yin Sun, Nicolas M. Aimon, Jae Jin Kim, Michael J. Campion, Harry L. Tuller, Lior Kornblum, Fred J. Walker, Charles H. Ahn, and Caroline A. Ross, “A Three Component Self-Assembled Epitaxial Nanocomposite Thin Film”,Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 3091–3100, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201500332

Xue Yin Sun, Martin Veis, Jaroslav Kousal, Eva Jesenska, Chen Zhang, Nicolas M. Aimon, Taichi Goto, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Dong Hun Kim, Hong Kyoon Choi, C.A. Ross, “SrGa0.7Co0.3O3-δ perovskite-cobalt oxide-metal nanocomposite films: magnetic and optical properties”,Nanotechnology 26 (2015) 115701 (10pp)

Veis, M. Zahradnik, L. Ohnoutek, L. Beran, M. Kucera, Xue Yin Sun, Chen Zhang, Nicolas M. Aimon, Taichi Goto, Mehmet Onbasli, Dong Hun Kim, Hong Kyoon Choi, and C. A. Ross, “Magneto-optical studies of SrGa0.7Co0.3O3-δperovskite thin films with embedded cobalt nanoparticles”,Appl. Phys. 117, 17A746 (2015) ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4918783

Saman Safari Dinachali, Wubin Bai, Kun-Hua Tu, Hong Kyoon Choi, Jinshuo Zhang, Melissa E Kreider, Caroline A. Ross, “Thermo-Solvent Annealing of Block Copolymer Thin Films”, Macro Lett. 4 (5), pp 500–504 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.5b00108

S. Zhang, J. A. Currivan, L. Tryputen, P. Ho, M. Baldo, and C. A. Ross, “Effects of edge taper on domain wall structure and current-driven Walker Breakdown in a ferromagnetic thin film wire”,IEEE Magn. Lett. 6, 1-4 (2015)

Navas, L. Bi, A. Adeyeye and C.A. Ross, “Templates as shadow masks to tune the ferromagnetic anisotropy in CoCrPt”,Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2015) 2, 1400551 p1-8   10.1002/admi.201400551

M. Florez, O. A. Negrete, P. Vargas and C. A. Ross, “Geometrically frustrated Fe2P-like systems: beyond the Fe-trimer approximation”,Condens. Matter 27 (2015) 286004 (10pp)  doi:10.1088/0953-8984/27/28/286004

B. Jungfleisch, A. V. Chumak, A. Kehlberger, V. Lauer, M. C. Onbasli, D. H. Kim, C. A. Ross, M. Klaui, and B. Hillebrands, “Thickness and power dependence of the spin-pumping effect in Y3Fe5O12/Pt heterostructures measured by the inverse spin Hall effect”,Phys. Rev. B 91 134407 2015 p1-10

Andreas Kehlberger, Kornel Richter, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Gerhard Jakob, Dong Hun Kim, Taichi Goto, Caroline A. Ross, Gerhard Götz, Günter Reiss, Timo Kuschel, and Mathias Kläui, “Enhanced Magneto-optic Kerr Effect and Magnetic Properties of CeY2Fe5O12 Epitaxial Thin Films”,Phys. Rev. Applied, 4, 014008 (2015)

Mehmet C. Onbaşlı, Taichi Goto, Astera Tang, Annia Pan, Enes Battal, Ali K. Okyay, Gerald F. Dionne, C. A. Ross, “Oxygen partial pressure dependence of magnetic, optical and magneto-optical properties of epitaxial cobalt-substituted SrTiO3 films”,Opt. Express 23(10) p13399-409 (2015),  DOI:10.1364/OE.23.013399

A.F. Hannon, W.Bai, A.Alexander-Katz, C.A, Ross, Simulation methods for solvent vapor annealing of block copolymer thin films”,Soft Matter 11 (19) 3794-3805  (2015)  10.1039/C5SM00324E

Kun-Hua Tu, Wubin Bai, George Liontos, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, Apostolos Avgeropoulos and Caroline A Ross, “Universal pattern transfer methods for metal nanostructures by block copolymer lithography”,Nanotechnology 26 375301 (12pp) (2015), doi:10.1088/0957-4484/26/37/375301

Taichi Goto, Naoki Kanazawa, Altansargai Buyandalai,  Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuichi Nakamura, Shingo Okajima, Takashi Hasegawa, Alexander B. Granovsky, Koji Sekiguchi, Caroline A. Ross, and Mitsuteru Inoue, “Spin wave differential circuit for realization of thermally stable magnonic sensors”,Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 132412 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4916989

Stephan K. Piotrowski, Mukund Bapna, Hamid Almasi, Wei-Gang Wang, Larysa Tryputen, Caroline A. Ross, Mingen Li, Chia-Ling Chien, and Sara A. Majetich, “Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy of Small Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Interface Anisotropy”,IEEE Trans. Magn. 51(11) 4400504 (2015) 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2434798

Xue Yin Sun, Qingyang Du, Taichi Goto, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, Juejun Hu, and Caroline A. Ross, “Single-Step Deposition of Cerium-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet for Monolithic On-Chip Optical Isolation”,ACS Photonics 2 (7), 856–863 (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00026

Andreas Kehlberger, Ulrike Ritzmann, Denise Hinzke, Er-Jia Guo, Gerhard Jakob, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Dong Hun Kim, Caroline A. Ross, Matthias B. Jungfleisch, Burkard Hillebrands, Ulrich Nowak, and Mathias Klaui, “Length scale of the spin Seebeck effect”,Phys Rev. Lett. 115 096602 (2015) p1-5

Mohammad Montazeri, Pramey Upadhyaya, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Guoqiang Yu, Kin L. Wong, Murong Lang, Yabin Fan, Xiang Li, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Robert N. Schwartz, Caroline A. Ross, Kang L. Wang, “Magneto-optical investigation of spin-orbit torques in metallic and insulating magnetic structures”,Nature Communications 6 8958 (2015) p1-, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9958

Christine C. Kathrein, Wubin Bai, Jean Anne Currivan Incorvia, George Liontos, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Alexander Böker, Larisa Tsarkova, and Caroline A. Ross, “Combining Graphoepitaxy and Electric Fields towards Uniaxial Alignment of Solvent annealed Poly(styrene)-b-poly(dimethylsiloxane) block copolymers”,Chem. Mater. 27 (19), pp 6890–6898 (2015)

J.S.Zhang, P. Ho, J. A. Currivan, Saima A. Afroz, and C. A. Ross, “Edge-modulated perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in [Co/Pd]n and L10-FePt thin film wires”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 182408 (2015), 10.1063/1.4935104

Wubin Bai, Karim Gadelrab, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Caroline A. Ross, “Perpendicular Block Copolymer Microdomains in High Aspect Ratio Templates”,Nano Lett. 15 (10), pp 6901–6908. (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02815

Ria Esterina, X.M. Liu, A.O. Adeyeye, C.A. Ross, W.K. Choi, “Solid-State Dewetting of Magnetic Binary Alloy Thin Films”,J. Appl. Phys. 118, 144902 (2015); http://dx.doi.org /10.1063/1.4932565

G.Shimon, C. A. Ross, and A. O. Adeyeye, “Self-aligned Ni/NiFe/Fe magnetic lateral heterostructures”,J. Appl. Phys. 118, 153901 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4933096

Liu and C. A. Ross, “Magnetization Reversal in Ferromagnetic Films Patterned with Antiferromagnetic Gratings of Various Sizes”,Phys. Rev. Appl. 4, 054005 (2015) p1-7, 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.4.054005

Bai, K. G. Yager, C. A. Ross, “In Situ Characterization of the Self-assembly of a Polystyrene-Polydimethylsiloxane Block Copolymer during Solvent Vapor Annealing”,Macromolecules 48 (23), pp 8574–8584 (2015), 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02174

Dutta, S. A. Siddiqui, J. A. Currivan-Incorvia, C. A. Ross, and M. A. Baldo, “Micromagnetic Modeling of Domain Wall Motion in Sub-100-nm-Wide Wires with Individual and Periodic Edge Defects”,AIP Advances 5, 127206 (2015), p1-10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4937557

A. Jang, H. J. Lee, C. V. Thompson, C. A. Ross, and Y. J. Oh, “Crystallographic analysis of the solid-state dewetting of polycrystalline gold film using automated indexing in a transmission electron microscope”,APL Mater. 3, 126103 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4937432



Adam F. Hannon, Yi Ding, Wubin Bai, Caroline A. Ross, and Alfredo Alexander-Katz, “Optimizing Topographical Templates for Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers via Inverse Design Simulations”,Nano Lett. 14 318-25 (2014) DOI:10.1021/nl404067s

Andreas Kehlberger, Gerhard Jakob, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Dong Hun Kim, Caroline A. Ross, and Mathias Klaui, “Investigation of the magnetic properties of insulating thin films using the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect”,J. Appl. Phys. 115 , 17C731 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4864252

Tavakkoli K. G., S. M. Nicaise, A. F. Hannon, K. W. Gotrik, A. Alexander-Katz, C. A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, “Sacrificial-Post Templating Method for Block Copolymer Self-Assembly”,Small 10(3) 493-499 (2014) DOI: 10.1002/smll.201301066, inside cover (p 418)

A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, J. Y. Cheng, Y. S. Jung, J.-B. Chang, “Three-Dimensional Nanofabrication by Block Copolymer Self-Assembly”,Adv. Mater. 26 4386-96 (2014)

Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, and C. A. Ross, “Pillar shape modulation in epitaxial BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 vertical nanocomposite films”,APL Materials 2 081101 p1-8 (2014)

H. Kim, N. M. Aimon, X. Y. Sun, L. Kornblum, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn, and C. A. Ross,Integration of Self-Assembled Epitaxial BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 Multiferroic Nanocomposites on Silicon Substrates”,Adv. Fn. Mater. 24, 5889–5896 (2014)

Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, Xueyin Sun, and C. A. Ross, “Compositionally Modulated Magnetic Epitaxial Spinel/Perovskite Nanocomposite Thin Films”,  Adv. Fn. Mater. 24 2334-42 (2014) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201302844

David Navas, Carolina Redondo, Giovanni A. Badini Confalonieri, Francisco Batallan, Anton Devishvili, Óscar Iglesias-Freire, Agustina Asenjo, Caroline A. Ross and Boris P. Toperverg, “Domain wall structure in thin films with perpendicular anisotropy:  Magnetic force microscopy and polarized neutron reflectometry study”,Phys. Rev. B, 90 054425 (2014)

Eunjin Kim, Wonjung Kim, Kwang Hee Lee, Caroline A. Ross, and Jeong Gon Son, “Top Coats with Solvent Annealing enable Perpendicular Orientation of Sub-10 nm Microdomains in Si-containing Block Copolymer Thin Films”,Adv. Fn. Mater., 24 (44), pp 6981–6988 (2014) DOI:10.1002/adfm.201401678

Liu, C.A. Ross, “Size-dependent magnetic properties of 100 – 500 nm diameter IrMn/NiFe disks made by a two-step deposition process”,J. Appl. Phys., 116, 194307 p1-6 (2014) DOI: 10.1063/1.4902080

Shimon, V. Ravichandar, A. O. Adeyeye and C. A. Ross, “Simultaneous control of vortex polarity and chirality in thickness-modulated [CoPd]n/Ti/Ni80Fe20disks”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 152408 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4897954

Shimon, A. O. Adeyeye, and C. A. Ross, “Comparative study of the ferromagnetic resonance behavior of coupled rectangular and circular Ni80Fe20 rings”,Phys. Rev. B 89 024302 (2014)

Hong Kyoon Choi, Nicolas Aimon, Dong Hun Kim, Xue Yin Sun, Jessica Gwyther, Ian Manners, and C.A. Ross, “Hierarchical templating of a BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 mutiferroic nanocomposite by a triblock terpolymer film”,ACS Nano, 8 (9), pp 9248–9254 (2014)

Hong Kyoon Choi, Adam Nunns, Xue Yin Sun, Ian Manners, and Caroline A. Ross, “Thin Film Knitting Pattern Morphology from a Miktoarm Star Terpolymer”,Adv. Mater. 26 2474-79 (2014) DOI:10.1002/adma.201305243

Jean Anne Currivan, Saima Siddiqui, Sungmin Ahn, Larysa Tryputen, and Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Marc A. Baldo, Caroline A. Ross, “Polymethyl methacrylate/hydrogen silsesquioxane bilayer resist electron beam lithography process for etching 25nm wide magnetic wires”,J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32(2) 021601 p1-5 (2014)

Jae-Byum Chang, Hong Kyoon Choi, Adam F. Hannon, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross, and Karl K. Berggren, “Design rules for self-assembled block copolymer patterns using tiled templates”,Nature Communications 5 3305 p1-9 (2014)

Kao, S.-J. Jeong, Z. Jiang, D. H. Lee, K. Aissou, C. A. Ross, T. P. Russell, T. Xu,“Direct 3-D Nanoparticle Assemblies in Thin Films via Topographically Patterned Surfaces”,Adv. Mater.  26 2777-81 (2014)

Jonathan P. Singer, Kevin W. Gotrik, Jae-Hwang Lee, Steven E. Kooi, Caroline A. Ross, Edwin L. Thomas, “Alignment and Reordering of a Block Copolymer by Solvent-Enhanced Thermal Laser Direct Write”,Polymer, 55, 7, 1875-1882 (2014)

L. Wong, L. Bi, M. Bao, Q. Wen, J. P. Chatelon, Y.-T. Lin, C. A. Ross, H. Zhang and K. L. Wang, “Unidirectional propagation of magnetostatic surface spin waves at a magnetic film surface”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 232403 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4903742

W. Gotrik, T. Lam, A. F. Hannon, W. Bai, Y. Ding, J. Winterbottom, A. Alexander-Katz, J. Alexander Liddle, C. A. Ross, “3D TEM Tomography of Templated Bilayer Films of Block Copolymers”,Adv. Fn. Mater., 24 (48), pp. 7689–7697 (2014)

C. Onbaşlı, T. Goto, D. H. Kim, L. Bi, and C. A. Ross, “Integration of Bulk-Quality Thin film Magneto-optical Cerium-doped Yttrium Iron Garnet on Silicon-based Photonic Substrates”,Opt. Ex. 22(21) 25183-92 (2014)

C. Onbaşli, A. Kehlberger, D.H. Kim, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, A. V. Chumak, B. Hillebrands, and C. A. Ross, “Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial Yttrium Iron Garnet films with low Gilbert damping and bulk-like magnetization”,APL Materials 2 106102 (2014)

Murong Lang, Mohammad Montazeri, Mehmet C. Onbasli, Xufeng Kou, Yabin Fan, Pramey Upadhyaya, Kaiyuan Yao, Frank Liu, Ying Jiang, Wanjun Jiang, Kin L. Wong, Guoqiang Yu, Jianshi Tang, Tianxiao Nie, Liang He, Robert N. Schwartz, Yong Wang, Caroline A. Ross, and Kang L. Wang, “Proximity Induced High-Temperature Magnetic Order in Topological Insulator – Ferrimagnetic Insulator Heterostructure”, Nano Lett.14 (6), pp 3459–3465 (2014)

Veis, M. Kucera, M. Zahradnik, R. Antos, J. Mistrik, Lei Bi, Hyun-Suk Kim, G. F. Dionne and C. A. Ross, “Optical and magneto-optical properties of Co doped CeO2-d films in the 0.5 to 4 eV range”,J. Appl. Phys., 115, 17A940 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4867961

Nicolas M. Aimon, Hong Kyoon Choi, XueYin Sun, Dong Hun Kim, and Caroline A. Ross, “Templated Self-Assembly of Functional Oxide Nanocomposites”,Adv. Mater. 26 3063-67 (2014)

N. Skirdkov, K. A. Zvezdin, A. D. Belanovsky, J. Grollier, V. Cros, C. A. Ross and A. K. Zvezdin, “Domain wall displacement by remote spin-current injection”,Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 242401 (2014) DOI:10.1063/1.4883740

Shankar Khanal, Andrei Diaconu, Jose M Vargas, Denny R Lenormand, Carlos Garcia, C A Ross and Leonard Spinu, “Exchange bias in (FeNi/IrMn)n multilayer films evaluated by static and dynamic techniques”,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 47, 255002 (8pp) (2014)

Goto, M. C. Onbasli, D. H. Kim, V. Singh,M. Inoue, L. C. Kimerling, and C. A. Ross, “A nonreciprocal racetrack resonator based on vacuum-annealed magnetooptical cerium-substituted yttrium iron garnet”,Optics Express, 22(16) 19047-54 (2014)

Wubin Bai, Adam F. Hannon, Kevin W. Gotrik, Hong Kyoon Choi, Karim Aissou, George Liontos, Konstantinos Ntetsikas, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Apostolos Avgeropoulos, Caroline A. Ross, “Thin Film Morphologies of Bulk-Gyroid Polystyrene-block-Polydimethylsiloxane under Solvent Vapor Annealing”,Macromol. 47, 6000−6008 (2014), DOI:10.1021/ma501293n

Y. Sun, C. Zhang, N. M. Aimon, T. Goto, M. Onbasli, D. H. Kim, H. K. Choi, C.A. Ross, “Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of magnetic and magneto-optical Sr(GaxTiyFe0.34-0.40)O3-δ perovskite films”,ACS Comb. Sci., 16(11), pp 640–646 (2014)


Adam F. Hannon, Kevin W. Gotrik, Caroline A. Ross, and Alfredo Alexander-Katz, “Inverse Design of Topographical Templates for Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers”, ACS Macro Lett., 2 (3), pp 251–255 (2013)

Adam Nunns, Caroline A. Ross, and Ian Manners, “Synthesis and Bulk Self-Assembly of ABC Star Terpolymers with a Polyferrocenylsilane Metalloblock, Macromolecules”, 46 (7), pp 2628–2635 (2013)

Nam and C. A. Ross, “360 degree domain walls monitored by anisotropic magnetoresistance measurements”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 123910 (2013)

Nam, M. Mascaro, C.A. Ross, “Lateral Interactions of Transverse Magnetic Domain Walls”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 17B903 (2013)

Dong Hun Kim, Gerald F. Dionne, and Caroline A. Ross,“Structure and magnetism of epitaxial SrTi0.78Cu0.22O3-d films with mixed-valence Cu ions”, J. Appl. Phys. 114 113902 p1-9 (2013)

Dong Hun Kim, Susumu Imashuku, Lei Wang, Yang Shao-Horn, Caroline. A. Ross, “Structure and composition of (Li,La)TiO3 thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition”, J. Cryst. Growth, 372, Pages 9–14, (2013)

Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, Caroline. A. Ross, “Self-assembled growth and magnetic properties of a BiFeO3/MgFe2O4 nanocomposite prepared by pulsed laser deposition”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 17B510 (2013)

Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, Lei Bi, J. M. Florez, Gerald F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, “Magnetostriction in epitaxial SrTi1-xFexO3-δ perovskite films with x = 0.13 and 0.35”, Phys.: Cond. Mat. 25 026002 (2013)

C. Corredor, D. Coffey, M. Ciria, J. I. Arnaudas, J. Aisa, C. A. Ross, “Strain induced spin reorientation in epitaxial Cu/Ni/Cu rings”, Phys. Rev. B 88 054418 (2013)

C. Corredor, D. Coffey, J. I. Arnaudas, C. A. Ross, and M. Ciria, “Transverse magnetization in Cu/Ni/Cu epitaxial nanorings”, European Physical J. B 86 p134 7pp (2013)

G.F. Dionne, D.H. Kim, L. Bi and C.A. Ross, “Generic model of superexchange effects in magnetoelastic oxides”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 17A927 (2013)

Shimon, A. O. Adeyeye, and C. A. Ross, “Magnetic vortex dynamics in thickness-modulated Ni 80Fe 20 disks”, Phys. Rev. B 87, 214422 (2013)

J.G. Son, M. Son, K.-J. Moon, B.H. Lee, J.-M. Myoung, M.S. Strano, M.-H. Ham, C.A. Ross, “Sub-10-nm Graphene Nanoribbon Array Field-Effect Transistors Fabricated by Block Copolymer Lithography”, Adv. Mater. 25, 4723–4728, (2013)

L. Sánchez Llamazares, H. Flores-Zúñiga, D. Ríos-Jara, C. F. Sánchez-Valdes, T. García-Fernández, C. A. Ross, and C. García, “Structural and magnetic characterization of the intermartensitic phase transition in NiMnSn Heusler alloy ribbons”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 17A948 (2013)

M. Florez, P. Vargas, C. Garcia, and C. A. Ross, “Magnetic entropy change plateau in a non-collinear antiferromagnetic layered system: FeCrAs iron-pnictide structure as a magnetocaloric prototype”, J. Phys. Chem. Mater. (2013)

Jin Young Kim, Jae-Byum Chang, Caroline A. Ross and Francesco Stellacci, “Seeded solution growth of nanoparticles into ordered three-dimensional supracrystals”, RSC Advances (2013)

Jinshuo Zhang and Caroline A. Ross, “Gold shunt pads as a chirality filter for current-driven 360° domain wall motion in a ferromagnetic wire”, Applied Physics Letters 103, 162411 (2013)

Karim Aissou, Adam Nunns, Ian Manners, Caroline A. Ross, “Square and Rectangular Symmetry Tiles from Bulk and Thin Film 3-Miktoarm Star Terpolymers”, Small 9 (23) 4077-4084 (2013)

Karim Aissou, Hong Kyoon Choi, Adam Nunns, Ian Manners, and Caroline A. Ross, “Ordered Nanoscale Archimedean Tilings of a Templated 3-Miktoarm Star Terpolymer”, Nano Lett., 13 (2), pp 835–839 (2013)

Kevin W. Gotrik and C. A. Ross, “Solvothermal Annealing of Block Copolymer Thin Films”, Nano Lett., 13 (11), pp 5117–5122 (2013)

Lei Bi, Juejun Hu, Peng Jiang, Hyun Suk Kim, Dong Hun Kim, Mehmet Cengiz Onbasli, Gerald F. Dionne and Caroline A. Ross, “Magneto-Optical Thin Films for On-Chip Monolithic Integration of Non-Reciprocal Photonic Devices”,Materials, 6, 5094-5117 (2013) DOI:10.3390/ma6115094

N. Holmes, J. H. Lee, B. Hong, M. D. Mascaro, D. Anderson, G. A. C. Jones, C. A. Ross, and C. H. W. Barnes, “Magnetic vortex stability in Ni80Fe20 split rings”,J. Appl. Phys., 113, 044508 (2013)

Taichi Goto, Yu Eto, Keiichi Kobayashi, Yoji Haga, Mitsuteru Inoue and C. A. Ross, “Vacuum annealed cerium-substituted yttrium iron garnet films on non-garnet substrates for integrated optical circuits”,J. Appl. Phys., 113 17, 17A939-3 (2013)

I. Park, B. K. You, B. H. Mun, H. K. Seo, J. Y. Lee, S. Hosaka, Y. Yin, C. A. Ross, K. J. Lee, and Y. S. Jung, “Self-Assembled Incorporation of Modulated Block Copolymer Nanostructures in Phase-Change Memory for Switching Power Reduction”,ACS Nano, 7(3), pp 2651–2658 (2013)

Yong-Jun Oh, Jung-Hwan Kim, Carl V. Thompson, Caroline A. Ross, “Templated Assembly of Co-Pt Nanoparticles via Thermal and Laser-Induced Dewetting of Bilayer Metal Films”,Nanoscale, 5 (1), 401 – 407 (2013)

Wang, G. Shimon, X. Liu, C. V. Thompson, C. A. Ross, W. K. Choi, and A. O. Adeyeye, “Synthesis and magnetic properties of large-area ferromagnetic cylindrical nanoshell and nanocup arrays”,J. Appl. Phys., 113, 214301 (2013)



Tavakkoli K. G., A. F. Hannon, K.W. Gotrik, A. Alexander-Katz, C. A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, “Rectangular Symmetry Morphologies in a Topographically Templated Block Copolymer”,Adv. Mater. 24(31), 4249–4254, (2012)

A.T.K. Ghariehali, K.W. Gotrik, A.F. Hannon, A. Alexander-Katz, C.A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, “Templating Three-Dimensional Self-Assembled Structures in Bilayer Block Copolymer Films”, Science 336 1294 (2012)

Kim, L. Bi, N. Aimon, P. Jiang, G. F. Dionne, and C. A. Ross, “Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of Fe, Cr, Mn and Ni-substituted SrTiOfilmson Si substrates”,ACS Combinatorial Science 14 179-190 (2012)

Kim, N. M. Aimon, L. Bi, G. F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, “The role of deposition conditions on the structure and magnetic properties of SrTixFe1-xO3films”,J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A918 (2012)

Navas, J. Torrejon, F. Béron, C. Redondo, F. Batallan, B. P. Toperverg, A. Devishili, B. Sierra, F. Castaño, K.R. Pirota and C.A. Ross, “Magnetization reversal and exchange bias effects in hard/soft ferromagnetic bilayers with orthogonal anisotropies”,New J. Phys. 14 113001 (2012)

Shimon, A. O. Adeyeye, and C. A. Ross, “Reversal mechanisms of coupled bi-component magnetic nanostructures”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083112 (2012)

Shimon, A. O. Adeyeye, and C. A. Ross, “Comparative study of magnetization reversal process between rectangular and circular thin film rings”,J. Appl. Phys. 111 013909 (2012)

Hong Kyoon Choi, Jessica Gwyther, Ian Manners, and Caroline A. Ross, “Square Arrays of Holes and Dots Patterned from a Linear ABC Triblock Terpolymer”, ACS Nano, 6 (9), pp 8342–8348 (2012)

Xu, E. Girgis, J. Rudge, Th. Speliotis, C. A. Ross, H. Miyagawa, Y. K. Hong, and B. C. Choi, “Magnetization Dynamics in Vortex-Imprinted Ni80Fe20/Ir80Mn20 Square Elements”,IEEE Mag. Lett., 3 3500204 1-4 (2012)

Jean Anne Currivan, Youngman Jang, Mark D. Mascaro, Marc A. Baldo, and Caroline A. Ross, “Low Energy Magnetic Domain Wall Logic in Short, Narrow Ferromagnetic Wires”,IEEE Magnetics Letters 3 3000104 (2012)

Jae-Byum Chang, Jeong Gon Son, Adam F. Hannon, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross, and Karl K. Berggren, “Aligned Sub-10-nm Block Copolymer Patterns Templated by Post Arrays”,ACS Nano 6(3) 2071-7 (2012)

G. Son, K. W. Gotrik, and C. A. Ross, “High-Aspect-Ratio Perpendicular Orientation of PS‑b‑PDMS Thin Films under Solvent Annealing”,ACS Macro Lett., 1 (11), pp 1279–1284 (2012)

J.M. Florez, S.P. Ong, M.C. Onbasli, G.F. Dionne, P. Vargas, G. Ceder, C.A. Ross, “First-principles insights on the magnetism of cubic SrTi1-xCoxO3-δ”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 252904 (2012)

Gotrik, A. Hannon, J. G. Son, B. Keller, A. Alexander-Katz, C.A. Ross, “Morphology Control in Block Copolymer Films using Mixed Solvent Vapors”,ACS Nano 6 (9), pp 8052–8059 (2012)

M. Aimon, J. Liao and C. A. Ross, “Simulation of inhomogeneous magnetoelastic anisotropy in ferroelectric/ferromagnetic nanocomposites”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 232901 (2012)

Nicolas M. Aimon, Dong Hun Kim, Hong Kyoon Choi, and C. A. Ross, “Deposition of epitaxial BiFeO3/CoFe2O4 nanocomposites on (001) SrTiO3 by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition, by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 092901 (2012)

Jiang, L. Bi, X. Sun, D. H. Kim, D. Jiang, G. Wu, G. F. Dionne and C. A. Ross, “The effect of A site substitution of Ce and La on the magnetic and electronic properties of Sr(Ti0.6Fe0.4)O3-δ films”,Inorg. Chem. 51 (24), pp 13245–13253 (2012)

Esterina, X. M. Liu, C. A. Ross, A. O. Adeyeye, and W. K. Choi, “Synthesis of silicon oxide nanowires and nanotubes with cobalt-palladium or palladium catalysts”,J. Appl. Phys. 112 024312 (2012)

Yoon, Y. Jang, C. Nam, J. A. Currivan, B. K. Cho, and C. A. Ross, “Magnetic Frustration in Circular Arrays of Dipoles”,IEEE Magnetics Letters 3 4000104 1-4 (2012)

Goto, M. C. Onbaşlı, and C. A. Ross, “Magneto-optical properties of cerium substituted yttrium iron garnet films with reduced thermal budget for monolithic photonic integrated circuits”,Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 27, pp.28507-28517 (2012)

Jang, M. D. Mascaro, G. S. D. Beach, and C. A. Ross, “Current-driven domain wall motion in heterostructured ferromagnetic nanowires”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 112401 (2012)

Jang, S.R. Bowden, M. Mascaro, J. Unguris, C.A. Ross, “Formation and structure of 360 and 540 degree domain walls in thin magnetic stripes”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 062407 (2012)


A list of publications before 2012 here.